Tim Mantoani’s Press Attraction

Tim Mantoani’s epic journey, “Behind Photographs” has become a significant trend online. Major features in WIRED, Yahoo News, Juxtapoz, Huffington Post, Trendhunter, Gizmodo, ABC and local press and television attention in San Diego.

In 2006, Tim Mantoani began his historic journey and instantly captured two of his photographic heroes in San Francisco—James Marshall and Michael Zagaris (pictured above)—on large formatted Polaroid film. Tim’s initial experience was awe-inspiring. High on the buzz of harnessing the power of the 20x24 Polaroid camera, Tim Mantoani put 150% into his project burning 100s of hours on the coordination of each photographic session—156 in all; 1000s of dollars invested into equipment (20x24 camera), suplies (Polaroid film, now discontinued) and travel (NY—CA; and over 10,000 minutes of focussed scrutiny on each page of “Behind Photgraphs: Archiving Photographic Legends.”

And it’s no wonder, press and online traction began trending this week in support of “Behind Photographs.” One reason for this trend leads to the media demands for measurable, authentic and accessible content. Ultimately, this has lead to Tim’s integrity, consistent connection with the media over six years, 156 legendary photographers portraits featuring their most iconic image unified by one dynamic, visual storyline. Online trends are often based on the variety of information that can be derived from one story line: Tim Mantoani—the self-driven, self-financed catalyst who archived culture shifting photographers, (lifers), who shape shifted our planet’s visual understanding of politics, tragedy, fame, entertainment, sex and iconic position over seven generations.

Archival trends promote international relevance. National Geographic Brazil picked up “Behind Photographs” to celebrate their rich tradition of collaborating with amazing nature and world traveled photographic icons.

Trending is even cool for friendly competitors. Phaidon, an amazing publisher, featured the archival importance of Tim’s visionary assemblage on their website. A wonderful support tactic to elevate many of the featured photographers showcased in “Behind Photographs,” elevating Phaidon’s library of photography books.

Industry spotlights. Those who care most in the world of photgraphy. Often industry trending is the hardest to come by—call it politics or top of the heap snobbery—but authentication wins. Tim Mantoani did a great job curating 156 of the who is who in the world of photography including a wide variety of niche specific industries—sports, music, nature, politics, war and conflict...Visura Magazine

YouPublishing—self manifesting your intuition to promote a good thing when you see it (Mark Murphy ISM). With over 3500 tweets generated from WIRED alone, Tim Mantoani’s “Behind Photographs” continues to grow in relevance as the word is spread by the public through a host of many websites with diverse offerings. Over 10,000 connections have been made, sharing “Behind Photographs” within hyper-focussed visual communities who identify with the archival merit and scope of making the impossible possible.

Tim Mantoani’s,“Behind Photographs” will continue to gain the attention of the world public,photographers, collectors and fans of all things culturally inspired. Two yearsof design development and one year of solid production was and IS completelyworth it. Job well done equals socialized traction. Please check out morearchived articles featuring Tim Mantoani and “Behind Photographs”—Book Packaging, Behind Photographs, Book Release, Tim Mantoani Interview (Tim Mantoanipictured above)—Fire up your content, promote and invite your community toattract maximum traction.

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