Cartoon Network is celebrating a milestone birthday with over 100 world-class artists. Each artist has created a fantastic piece in direct compliment to a Cartoon Network show or character that showcases imaginative programming over the past 20 years. I thought to Share a few pieces, there is 100 in the show. (Above top, left to right: Andy Helm, Jack Teagle, Joel Nakamura, Paul Barnes, Jules Julien, Jonathan Bergeron).
Anthony Freda
You can head over to the Jett Gallery in San Diego, July 13—14 and check it out in person from 11—5PM daily and extended hours on Saturday from 11—8PM. Stop in and Say hello. For more information, please click here. Also, check out the great write up by Susan Myrland of the UT San Diego Tribune and look out for more info in this Sunday’s paper.
Nacho Chincoya
Brandon Lively
Calef Brown
Jack Teagle
Cole Gerst : Option G
Dan Thompson
P-Jay Fidler
Gordon Wiebe
Isabel Samaras
Lou Patrou
Leo Espinosa
Lou Beach
Tasha Kusama
Rui Vitorino-Santos
Joseph Veazey
Mark Todd