Cartoon Network Sketches

Cartoon Network has teamed up with curator and art promoter Mark Murphy and seventy-five world-class artists to celebrate 20 years of animated cartoons. Unveiled at this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego, Cartoon Network”s 20th Anniversary exhibition will feature a promotional zine showcasing the studios, sketches and one-of-a-kind originals created by the featured artists. This free commemorative piece will showcase many of the sketches featured below. More soon, and take a studio tour. (Above, Gordon Wiebe, Samurai Jack).
Jaime Zacarias aka Germs

Nick Sheehy

Karen Barbour

Calef Brown

Christopher David Ryan

Leo Espinosa

Branden Collins

Joanna Fogt-Sohn

Catell Ronca

Jack Teagle

Anthony Freda

Jason Wright

Chris Mostyn

Jorge Catoni


Émile Morel

Joe Scarno

Jean de Wet

Jon Todd

Marc Bell

Jules Julien

Marco Mazzoni

Nacho Chincoya

Niark 1

Peter Thompson

Phillipe Lardy

Ana Bagayan

Jonathan Bergeron

Merijn Hos

Mike Perry
Bryan Mon

Roman Klonek

Trey Wadsworth

Joel Nakamura

Rui Vitorino Santos

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