Cartoon Network 20th Anniversary Featured Artists

Comic-Con San Diego will be here before you know it, July 12—July 15. Based in San Diego, we find it necessary to entertain good friends and lovers of art and culture each year. Over the past 11 years we’ve had the good fortune of hosting cultural events featuring fine artists, live music, film and educational events. (Above, Anthony Freda, Jolby sketches and doodles).

Over the years we have presented thematic exhibitions including: Lucid Dreams (2011), Survey Select (2010), Scribble.08 (2009), SuperHero (2005-2008), only to mention a few. (Above, Ryan Bubnis).

Thankfully, this year we are proud to announce a collaborative exhibition partnered with Cartoon Network in celebration of their 20th Year Anniversary. (Above, Lou Beach and Lou Patrou, artist’s studios).

To celebrate, CN headquarters and their multi-talented team: design department, art directors, talented artists and Murphy Design united to configure a dream list of the who’s who of fine art, animation and illustration. (Above, Joel Nakamura, Mark Todd’s studio snap).

Invitations were extended to an amazing group of artists from around the world and the results are in. 75 World-class artists will make this year’s Comic-Con San Diego memorable, as original art will be displayed, (location, to be announced in May), in celebration of Cartoon Network’s 20th Anniversary. Stay tuned and check out the inspired of artists. (Above, Jordin Isip’s view, Jack Teagle’s sketchbook).

Cartoon Network Exhibiting Artists: Ana Bagayan, Andy Helms, Anthony Freda, Bora Baskan, Brandon Lively, Brian Smith, Bryan Mon, Bwana Spoons, Calef Brown, Candice House, Catell Ronca Illustration, CD Ryan, Charlie Immer, Chris Mostyn, Collins, Branden, Dan Beard, Dan Thompson, Emile Morel, Eric LaCombe, Escobedo, Jacob, Frank & Becky, Gordon Wiebe, Jack Teagle, Jaime Zacarias, Janssen, Petrika, Jason Wright, Jean de Wet, Jeremyville, JG Quintel, Joanna Foght-Sohn, Joel Nakamura, John Hendrix, Jolby, Jon Todd, Jonathan Bergeron, Jordin Isip, Jorge Catoni, Joseph Scarano, Jules Julien, Karen Barbour, Katherine Brannock, Keith Jones, Kustaa Saksi, Leo Espinosa, Lou Beach, Lou Patrou, Marc Bell, Mark Todd, Merijn Hos, Mike Perry, N K (Neko), Niark1, Nick Sheehy, Option-G, P-Jay Fidler, Paul Barnes, Peter Thompson, Philippe Lardy (above), Pseven, Raquel Aparicio, Rick Blanco, Rod Hunt Illustration, Roman Klonek, Rui Vitorino dos Santos, Ryan Bubnis, Stefan Glerum, Tasha Kusama, Ti Kunkit, Travis Louie, Trey Wadsworth, Tyson McAdoo

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