The Artist Studio and Quick Tour : CN20Anniversary

One of the greatest privileges in my life has been to take time out (often) and visit artists’ studios all around the world. Books wall to wall, boxes of supplies, metal trays with years worth of dried paint dabs, libraries of books, curiosities, a who’s who of artist works, scraps of material, stacks of paintings/drawings/clippings/and just stacks of stuff. (Above, NEKO)

“You get the idea, Right?” I love it. And to get you pumped up for the premier of Cartoon Network’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition, to be unveiled at Comic-Con in San Diego July 12—15, 2012, I thought to share a picto-tour of some of the 75 artists featured. Save the date and more information shared soon. Enjoy. (Above, Karen Barbour)

Tasha Kusama

Catell Ronca

Joanna Fogt-Sohn

Lou Beach

Brecht Vandenbroucke

Isabel Samaras

Jack Teagle

Roman Klonek

Mark Todd

Sebastien FERAUT aka NIARK1

Ana Bagayan

Branden Collins

Anthony Freda

Bryan Mon

Jason Wright

Dan Beard

Merijn Hos

Nick Sheehy

Calef Brown

Ryan Bubnis
Stefan Glerum

Mike Perry

Raquel Aparicio

Jules Julien

Jon Todd

Chris Mostyn

Joe Scarano

Nacho Chincoya

Catell Ronca


Joseph Veazey

Philippe Lardy

Jean de Wet

Jordin Isip (A Look Outside of the Studio)

Joel Nakamura



Marco Mazzoni

Trey Wadsworth

John Hendrix

Cole Gerst

Leo Espinosa

Paul Barnes

Rui Vitorino dos Santos

Lou Patrou

Kustaa Saksi

Katherine Brannock

P-Jay Fidler

Tyson McAdoo

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